
Black screen when connecting to VPS.

Getting a black screen on the VPS is a common issue. But a simple fix.  Solution 1: Firstly...

Can I upgrade and downgrade my VPS?

Can I upgrade my VPS Tier? Yes! You can upgrade your VPS fairly easily! The first way is...

Cant download things through Internet Explorer.

If you're having trouble downloading chrome, or other things through internet explorer. Follow...

How do I login to my Linux VPS?

The easiest and most efficient way of logging into your Linux VPS, is by doing the following:...

How do I login to my Windows VPS?

The easiest and most efficient way of logging into your Windows VPS, is by doing the following:...

How do I open ports on a Windows VPS?

Opening ports on a Windows VPS is fairly easy. Follow these steps: Log in to your VPS. Search...

Internal Error on connection

Are you getting the internal error when connecting to your Windows VPS? Then follow these steps:...

Windows VPS acting slow.

Does your VPS feel a bit slow? There could be a few factors at play here. First thing is to check...

Windows is not activated.

VPS shows that Windows is not activated. Yes, this is how all of our VPS's come. It is a bring...