Public Pay -

Hello everyone! Its been a minute since my last announcement. But I wanted to let you all know that I have integrated a Public Pay module to the website. So clients, you are able to get "donations" towards your products! For example, if you ran some sort of game server, people could donate directly towards your service by donating to your account. You can get your link by heading to the client area home. Click on the three dots at the top right of your portal. Under, Shortcuts click on Public Pay. This will bring you to that module! When someone donates, you will get a in store credit. So any invoice, will use those credits first!

VPS Tiers -

Incase you have not noticed, I have added three more Tier packages to the website. Including a Tier 4, Tier 5 and Tier 6. Also, you can now configure your orders while purchasing. Such as CPU Cores, RAM, Storage and IP addresses. Check it out at, .



Silver , Director


Silver Hosting Network | 3/27/2021

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