
How do I login to my Linux VPS? Print

  • Linux, VPS
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The easiest and most efficient way of logging into your Linux VPS, is by doing the following:

  1. Check your email for the VPS login. The email should be labeled "New VPS/Dedicated Server Information".
  2. Find the Main/Primary IP.
  3. You will need some sort of console to SSH. We recommend using Termius, Putty, or just windows CMD. 
    1. Download Putty here.
    2. Download Termius here.
  4. Open the application of your choosing. In this example, we will use Putty.
  5. Enter the IP address from step 2 into the "Host Name (or IP address)" box.
  6. Click open on the bottom.
  7. If you are prompted the following security alert:

    Click "Accept at the bottom".
  8. You will then be prompted with "login as:"
  9. By default, you will use the "root" user. Type in root and click enter.
  10. You will then need to enter your root password, which is found in the same email as the IP. 
    1. IMPORTANT: The password field, is not shown. You will not see what you are typing. But it is indeed typing. Type the password in full, and click enter.
  11. You should now be logged into your VPS. 

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