Windows is not activated.

VPS shows that Windows is not activated. Yes, this is how all of our VPS's come. It is a bring your own license product. We do not provide a key for you.

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Cant download things through Internet Explorer.

If you're having trouble downloading chrome, or other things through internet explorer. Follow...

Black screen when connecting to VPS.

Getting a black screen on the VPS is a common issue. But a simple fix.  Solution 1: Firstly...

Windows VPS acting slow.

Does your VPS feel a bit slow? There could be a few factors at play here. First thing is to check...

Internal Error on connection

Are you getting the internal error when connecting to your Windows VPS? Then follow these steps:...

How do I login to my Windows VPS?

The easiest and most efficient way of logging into your Windows VPS, is by doing the following:...